Snow Forecast Finished
Just got finished putting the final touches on the snow forecast. Bob Reeves will be showing it tonight on Heartland News at 5, 6, and 10 but of course you get the sneak peek here on "New at Dis Hour".
The above snowfall amounts are for the entire storm. The snow will most likely not finish until Saturday morning and possibly as late as late morning.How much do you think we will see?
Thanks! I am curious, though. The 2 models you posted toward the end of the lunch hour showed Perryville (where I am) in either 6" - 8" or 8" - 10" and you're forecasting us to get 2" - 5", why the reduction vs. the models?
Thanks again...
Ok I dont understand. You have Herrin in dusting but the other models go up as high as 8 in.
Also others (like nws) are saying 3-5 here... I'm not sure what to think! LOL
Yes, my snowfall amounts are different than the computer models. That is why I have mentioned several times that the model output wasn't the forecast. If we took it straight from the computer there would be no need for me. :)
do you think that the Jackson R2 Schools will be in session tommorrow?
Just watched the weather. I was thinking about going to wal-Mart to get some food and drinks, but the forcast is just 2-5 inches in Perryville. (was really having to talk myself into going..LOL). But I don't think I will have any problems at all getting out with 3-5 inches. I think I will do it later. :) Thank you for your work storm team!!!
John, I live in Johnson County, IL...Approximately when will the snow start falling?
Woo HOO! Look at us down in Piggott...locally 13+ inches possible! My 10-year old daughter has NEVER seen that much snow! I think I'm as excited as she is! Even half that would be fine! :)
John: We are at Corning Ar. 30mls south of P Bluff. Its 4:30 PM and I just came in from measureing 5" on the flat ground and a drift 19" next to front steps. The wind is NE now at 22 at the Corning airport.
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