Monday, January 24, 2011

Becoming a Toddler

In the midst of two rounds of snow for the area I somehow missed an important date. My blog is 2 years old. It has now become a toddler.

New at Dis Hour started started January 17, 2009. In reality the blog started earlier than that, but it was all up in my head. For a year or two leading up to the launch I had been tossing the idea around of creating a blog but I never got around to diving in head first.

Little did I know a week after starting my blog the area would be hit by MAJOR ice storm that crippled southeast Missouri, western Kentucky, northwest Tennessee and northeast Arkansas for weeks.

There are several things I like about having the blog. It gives me more time to discuss what is going on. Sometimes it is very difficult to give information about upcoming weather events plus give the short term weather forecast in three minutes or less.

It allows me to go in to more detail and give you a "behind the scenes" view of what I am looking at. Lets face it, a lot of the things I talk about here I couldn't show on TV, especially in three minutes or less. Most people would come away thinking, "What did he just say?"

The blog also gives me a chance a chance to archive what is going on at the moment. Everyone once in a while I find it interesting to go back and read some of the old posts. It takes me back and reminds me of things that happened with storms that passed through. This also allows me to archive what the forecast models were showing at the time. As we have seen, forecast models tend to jump around from one run to the next.

It is easy to go back and look at past posts. All of my posts are organized by year and month on the right side of the page. Just click on the year or month and you will see all of the posts.

I want to thank YOU, the viewers, listeners and readers for coming to my site. When I first started this adventure I didn't expect to even a quarter of the traffic the page currently gets. will continue to evolve over the months and years to come and I hope you find it useful. Again, THANK YOU for taking part in the adventure!

Here is to another great year and many more years to come.


Dawn said...

Congrats on your blogaversary !! :) I am glad that I found it. Keep up the good work !! :)

hflan said...

Happy Blog Birthday! You're a big boy now :D

Anonymous said...

Thank you! I appreciate this blog very much. Interesting, helpful, and educational!

Anonymous said...'s cool that the blog is 2 years old now...but when are you going to do updates on the Monday - Wednesday storm? Would be great if you had some info on it.

Anonymous said...

Great blogging!