Monday, February 13, 2012

Freak Out Meter - Feb. 13

I just realized in my snow forecast post that I forgot to give out my "Freak-Out-Meter" for the different locations concerning today's/Tuesday's snow.
For those that don't know what my Freak Out Meter is, it is a number I give out that attempts to quantify how big of a deal the upcoming weather event will be. It is based on a 0-10 scale. Zero being the lowest "not a deal at all" and 10 being "get all the bread, milk and eggs and lock yourself in the basement". The score is 100% subjective and it's an attempt to have a little fun.
  • St. Louis Metro area: 3 out of 10 (This could be the largest snow of the winter. Let's hope the roads don't become as much of an issue as the 1.5" snow in January.)

  • Southeast Missouri, Southern Illinois, Western Kentucky: 3 out of 10. (Not so much because of the snow but because of the potential of sleet and freezing rain.)

  • Central Indiana: 2 out of 10 (Only because you may have to shovel.)

  • Bottom line, this isn't going to be a huge winter storm for the Midwest but it may be the biggest we have seen all winter for 2 out of the 3 locations listed above.
    If you are looking for more specifics concerning the forecast (i.e. snow totals), check my previous blog post.
    - Posted from my iPhone

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